Welcome to my first weekly forecast! If you've made it this far from the instagram story link, you have my heart and I deeply appreciate your support. <3 In these weekly posts (god willing I stick to a schedule) I will be walking you through the astrology of the week ahead, blending esoteric & contemporary explanations of current events.
Getting into the astrological landscape of this week, things are very retrospective and transitional this week!
We start the week with a void Moon in Libra, which just means the Moon doesn't make significant aspects to any planets (except for Venus but only during a short window of time on Sunday 8/20). A void Moon (or planet for that matter) reflects a sort of listlessness, a dull point in time. Fun things can still happen (especially since the Moon is in the chatty, sociable air sign of Libra), but things typically don't thrive when started during the void Moon. Additionally, the Moon conjoined the south node during her last few hours in the sign of Libra, adding even MORE emphasis to this feeling of stillness as the south node tends to act like an energy vampire when conjoined with any planet. All of this happening in the sign of Libra will often indicate losses between unions, lack of energy or drive in social settings, and a constant questioning of "Did they think what I said was weird?" "Am I being fair?" "What tone should I use to make others like me?"
Already, we're facing this week like a deer in the headlights with no definite or concrete plan that we can see the outcome of. Even if you DO have plans in motion, expect them to change course this week.....
After the work day ended on the western seaboard on Monday, the Moon entered the sign of her fall- Scorpio. The Moon, who just experienced this weird wave of social self-consciousness, now enters a land that devalues her divine nature. The Moon falls in the sign of Scorpio because it is the opposite to the sign of her Exaltation (Taurus), a land that honors and cherishes her. If your chart heavily relies on the whims of the Moon, you too might have experienced a crashing low starting the week. The Moon (ruler of mothers, the flesh, our fate, emotions etc), has gone from feeling insecure in group settings (in a people-pleasing fashion) to feeling an emotional low, a dreadful pit with a lack of resources.
Nice things are offered to the Moon while in Scorpio, thanks to both Benefics! Jupiter in Taurus offers a shining beam of support to the Moon, while Venus in Leo (though sick in her retrograde) offers warmth and validation for the raw vulnerable struggles of the Moon. Though we all may be feeling raw at the start of the week, there seems to be abundant support from the goodness that upholds our lives. Perhaps this is friends (Jupiter) or lovers (Venus), or teachers/mentors (Jupiter), or mothers and sisters (Venus). All of this action occurs at the axis of the fixed signs (Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, even Aquarius by association), so the first two days of the week will feel dense and slow moving.
WEDNESDAY! Wednesday brings the tea, the messiness, the germination for the gossip that is about to take over the media (and our lives) for the next couple of weeks. Mercury stations retrograde in their exaltation, 21° of Virgo, at 12:59pm PDT. Though retrograde planets are akin to them falling ill, Mercury has an abundance of resources to handle their shit during the retrograde. Mercury is getting a cold, but they have a doctor on-call, name-brand medicine on their counter, and the wherewithal to nurse themselves back to health in good time. Like any retrograde season, things are going to go wrong, we're going to have regrets, we're going to wish we planned better, but hopefully we're all getting better at giving ourselves grace for our (very human) shortcomings.
The reason I stated "messiness" as a qualifier for this Mercury retrograde is because Mars is in the picture this time. Mars and Mercury are so close in the sky, they're practically sleeping in the same bed. Mars is aggressive, assertive, a destroyer and breaker of things, the force that comes to take without warning or guilt. Mercury is a neutral party, a useless compass for morality, but a force that is good at refining, polishing, and investigating the details of matters. When paired together, things become messy with little to no remorse. Since Virgo is a sign often associated with accountants, wordsmiths, engineers, and linguists- the aggressive incidents that are born will be affecting those people in society, as well as affecting the realms of poetry, writing, language, travel, and finance. Not only are these tensions materializing, but there will be an active pursuit to redefine, review, and reconsider the state of things. Changes of mind are inevitable, especially when they are presented with hard-hitting truths.
We wave goodbye to the Sun's favorite season and enter Mercury's earthly solar season. The Sun enters Virgo at 2:01am PDT on Wednesday 8/23. This season draws the collective's attention towards Mercurial matters: travel, finances, speech, writing, anything detail-oriented. More on this in a bit...
To continue onto this beautifully cheery and optimistic forecast, the Moon continues to have not-the-greatest time as we wrap up the work week. The Moon enters Sagittarius at 1:08am PDT on Thursday, 8/24. Not that the Moon necessarily minds the balmy landscape of Sagittarius, but she is figuratively cut in half by the light she receives from the Sun. The Sun, newly in Virgo- again, shifting our collective attentions to the DRAMA plaguing the sign of Virgo, sends the aspect of a square to the Moon. When we look up at the night sky, we might see half of the Moon illuminated. These are what I like to call "stress tests," where the Moon experiences a divide in the things she rules: A divide in emotions (black & white thinking/processing/feeling), a blockage in attempts to nurture, restrictions on external expressions of internal matters.
The Sun and Moon are in signs opposite to their natural sects (Moon is in a diurnal sign, Sun is in a nocturnal sign) and they do not particularly like that let me tell you! Moon things are hard to do (express emotions, take care of the body) and so are Sun things (standing up for yourself, having a sense of autonomy, knowing things). The quality of each light is a bit dampened by this weather but that's not the only thing affecting the weather... both malefics have a role in the shittiness of it all! Because of course they do!
Remember how I wrote about the beginning of the week falling on the axis of fixed signs? Well now all the hot topics are falling on the axis of MUTABLE signs (Sag, Pisces, Virgo, Gemini)- which reflects speeding up and many changes of course.
Moon in Sag, Sun in Virgo, Mars in Virgo, Saturn in Pisces.... woof.........
ALL these guys^ are NAWT fucking with each other!!! They are all in signs that disagree with one another!!! Moon wants to shake her ass, the Sun has TOO picky of a mindset, Mars is holding grudges over the SMALLEST things, and as we know- Saturn has been whooping all of our asses since March and telling us not to indulge in shit so much!!!!!!
Our minds are all over the place at the end of the week and details seem to be blowing themselves out of proportion.
If you get through that weather, the weekend brings a much more subdued vibe- though the Moon's continued connection to Saturn & Mars leaves a lingering impression of the week's stress. The memories of it all aren't as bad as the events they will be rooted from, but we're a bit disconnected from others when we try and process it. We have help from those wiser and perhaps older than us (Saturn sextile Moon) to get through the loads of thinking & internal work that will tone next weekend. As the Moon journeys through the sign of Capricorn, she will also receive ally-ship from Mars and support from Jupiter. Use this time to ground yourself with stable company (Jupiter in Taurus) and focus your energy on organizing your material reality (Mars in Virgo).