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Astro Forecast, August 27-September 2

Writer's picture: Anya GuadamuzAnya Guadamuz

This week continues story-lines relevant last week (and the week before), while giving an overall Saturnian tone that will gradually unfold.


We start the week on a grounded yet serious note with the Moon in Capricorn making connections to Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter, and the Sun. The Moon is essentially having conversations with every planet except for Venus! Which is important to note, especially since the next sign she inhabits will face an opposition to Venus. Additionally, Mars entered Libra (the sign of his exile) at 6:20am PDT this morning. Both Mars & Moon-ruled people are not having the most comfortable day today.

Sunday is very earthy in nature, emphasizing the physical & material world. This makes relevant the topics of wealth, luxury items, land, dry things, and even your bones! The Moon shares supportive connections with Sun & Mercury in Virgo, and Jupiter in Taurus.

  1. Moon trine Mercury deals with the sharing of news- with the Moon in Capricorn this news could involve old things, people, or institutions.

  2. Moon trine Jupiter is the presence and support of friends- especially unions of artists and farmers.

  3. Moon trine the Sun shows an agreement between our spirit and our bodies.

  4. Moon sextile Saturn in Pisces reflects support in feelings of loneliness & despair. A planet having a connection to the ruler of their exiled home is like being in foreign land with no concept of their language, and meeting someone who does and they offer to hail down a taxi for you.

Getting into Mars in Libra, we are to expect an uptick in passive aggression and tension within unions, lovers, or friends. Libra is Venus' home, a sign that represents diplomacy, social graces, justice & fairness, equilibrium, balance, and sweet words. When Mars is in that house, he brings disruption & bad intentions to the topics I just listed. Mars is forced to be assertive through gritted teeth and forced smiles, through trickery in verbal promises and white lies. Watch out for these topics for the next month and a half while Mars is adorned in the clothes of Venus.

Sunday is a funky day of feeling low but comfortable, of feeling hopeless but with accessible support. Get the rest you need and leave everything else up to fate.


Monday brings a much chattier vibe than this weekend. The Moon remains under the rulership of Saturn, but in Aquarius (a diurnal sign) she is able to be more extroverted and lively. The Moon does not witness Saturn today like she did yesterday, making us all aware of how much we're "on our own" today. The Moon's initial entrance into Aquarius, she greets Mars with a largely harmonious aspect. Because both planets reside in air signs, verbal agreements are likely- especially ones that have a crude undertone (hence Mars). Mars is bringing energy, action, initiation while the Moon is bringing swiftness, authority, and the ability for things to grow (since she is waxing in light). There seem to be a lot of conversations happening with little to no material basis.


Tuesday brings us gifts compared to the seriousness of the last couple of days. While the Moon remains in Saturnian Aquarius, she moves away from the aggression of Mars and applies aspects to both Venus in Leo and Jupiter in Taurus. These connections are not as harmonious though! The Moon in Aquarius squares Jupiter in Taurus, which is like receiving a gift while you're actively crying or in a distress state. The Moon in Aquarius also sends an opposition to Venus, which reflects royal support despite feeling weird and like an outcast. Venus in Leo could be that force to get you outside of your comfort zone and make you dance under glittering lights. Jupiter could be that force that checks in on your well being, despite your hesitancy to open up about whats really troubling you. I like the vibe for Tuesday, its one of the more preferable days this week!


Wednesday makes relevant the themes from last weekend, and completely pivots the energy built since Monday. The Moon enters Pisces at 6:57am PDT Wednesday morning, and immediately conjoins Saturn. This connection will be relevant until 2026, so if you have a Pisces Moon- expect all of your lunar birthdays to be somewhat glum and morose. If you aren't already an artist, these days every month are GREAT for inspiring the saddest pieces of media imaginable.

Anyway... The Moon's connection to Saturn really dampens the Mood and slows down the energy of things, early on in the day. For some of us, it may be awakening with hang-xiety (or regular anxiety!), it may be experiencing a bad dream, or it may make the consequences of indulgence relevant to some degree. The off-vibes don't stop there, the Moon also opposes the Sun in an event we all known and love- the full moon! The Moon waxes to her most brilliant for the last full Moon before fall. Energy will be at all time high in the middle of the week, so take advantage of it- or if you're more introverted, find a good hiding spot away from others. Go outside on Wednesday night and soak in the dreaminess of this lunation! Reminding yourself of the grand beauty that exists all around us, will certainly help mitigate the harm of Wednesday's weather.


Thursday emphasizes the arts and detail-oriented matters. The Moon separates from Saturn, moving us all away from the sluggishness that might have affected us the day before. The Moon moves towards an opposition to Mercury in Virgo and a sextile to Jupiter in Pisces.

As we know, when the Moon aspects Mercury it usually involves the transmission and delivery of news. Since the Moon is in Jupiter's home (and Venus' exaltation), the news is likely to revolve around artists- especially shocking, yellow journalism. The nature of this aspect is quite serious, and seems to expose something or bring issues to light. We must remember that the world is in the middle of experiencing Mercury retrograde, which destabilizes the credibility and integrity of any news delivered. Additionally, Mercury also shares the aspect of a trine with Jupiter in Taurus, which reflects massive support & allyship for Mercury's endgame. Jupiter is much more interested in the affairs of Mercury than he is with the Moon, despite his friendly connection to her.

The Moon sextile Jupiter offers her support while in Pisces. Just like Saturn helped out the Moon in Capricorn on Sunday, Jupiter is now in that same place of offering- even for the smallest gesture of kindness. The shocking exposé I wrote about earlier could include support pouring in for the people or things accused- though I wouldn't be surprised if that same "support" actually fuels the news cycle.


The Moon enters Aries bright and early on Friday morning. At 11:29am PDT she directly opposes Mars in Libra, reflecting a height in tensions, confrontations, and disagreement between people. The only saving grace of this aspect is that the Moon witnesses her ruler (Mars), which helps her navigate the harsh and brutal world of Aries. Expect things to be sparky and abrupt in nature, for passive aggressive people to be confronted, and for things to end as quickly as they started. The nighttime offers massive relief, and on a Friday- like of course it would. But seriously, matters do feel cooled off by then (or at least more constructive than destructive) and we're given the gift of allyship and support from Venus in Leo. Venus is there to assure us of the good parts to having a strong will. We should feel empowered by the end of the night, if not by sunrise the next day. You may not feel on top of the world, but you should be validated in your struggles and how you've been able to overcome them.


Saturday feels like the planets took a day off from reflecting anything interesting because the Moon goes void for practically the entire day. The Moon makes no significant aspects to other planets on Saturday (other than Venus but that's before the Sun rises on the western seaboard). Things will feel a bit listless and directionless for the day, and since the Moon is in Mars' sign, we may be experiencing anxiety about baseless fears. Don't be surprised if plans get cancelled today or if you experience a lack of interactions with others (not shocking considering its Labor Day weekend in the US). The Moon in a Mars-ruled sign usually indicates athletic or fiery affairs... take risks! seize the day! make the best of your last true summer weekend!

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