This week begins and ends in airy signs, signifying chatty & intellectual bookends to the events we will experience this week.
~ Monday ~ 9/18
The Moon in Scorpio applies a harmonious trine to Saturn in Pisces which can help us get down to business early on in the week. According to Vettius Valens (2nd Century Hellenistic astrologer) says that Saturn and the Moon in a good position are "beneficial, productive of money, estates, ship ownership, and profits from the deceased, especially if the Moon... has benefics in aspect" (Valens, Anthology, Book I). The Moon certainly aspects the benefics today as she applies an opposition to Jupiter in Taurus and a square to Venus in Leo. We're being recognized and seen, especially in emotionally sensitive ways.
Today feels like a continuation of themes in our life, and not much can appear to change- though if it does, likely the change is welcomed.
The Moon in Scorpio also applies the aspect of a sextile to Mercury in Virgo, which helps us communicate narrow topics. Our watery internal world is being given an olive branch by Mercury to express ourselves in tangible, efficient ways.
~ Tuesday ~ 9/19
The Moon in Scorpio continues to be supported by the benefics today, even if we feel intimidated by this support. The goodness of today comes in the form of adding structure, and positive predictability to our lives. The Moon also applies a sextile to the Sun in Virgo, connecting our feeling parts to our thinking parts in introverted ways. Connections are made subtly today, especially through body language and shared emotional reactions.
Valens says that when the Moon and Sun are placed in harmonic positions "They are productive of association with the great and of high rank, as well as possession of estates, property, money, and adornment. These stars cause men to be successful in business enterprises and to receive profit." (Valens, Anthology, Book I)
~ Wednesday ~ 9/20
The Moon enters Jupiter's fiery home today at 7:06am PDT, welcoming the day in a friendly & extroverted manner. Saturn in Pisces (as she will be for the next couple of years), frowns upon the Moon's entrance in Sag. Saturn and the Moon square off in the early part of the day, putting a damper on our moods whether by internal or external factors.
The Moon wants to gather with friends, celebrate, bask in joyous occasion; Saturn wants us to be more conserved in energy, pay respect to our daily labors, and tend to the consequences of our actions. The Moon is a little clueless during her interaction with Saturn, as they share the same rule though Saturn has a clear view of Jupiter- while the Moon does not!
Mercury in Virgo joins the Saturn/Moon square off as well! Mercury is there to add know-it-all fuel to the philosophical fire. Many are contesting the "truth" of things, even if the "truth" may not be one concrete thing.
It might be best to learn from those older & wiser than you today, rather than trying to force a newer narrative that may not have much of a strong basis to begin with.
Watch out for overindulgence today, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing! Focus on widening your perspective for all things today, and find the teachable moments of your mistakes.
~ Thursday ~ 9/21
The Moon in Sagittarius squares off with the Sun in Virgo today, putting our internal & external worlds in difficult places against each other. Find common ground through shared experiences and through appreciating the details that make up the whole picture. The Sun in Virgo is concerned with the pruning of dead or useless things, while the Moon in Sagittarius concerns herself with the expansion of freedom & spirit. Focus on the "freedom" of it all, whether it be found in expressing your spirit or in the organization of clutter.
The Moon is happier today in spite of everything! She agrees with Mars in Libra which helps us put action behind our desires, especially action towards starting necessary conversations. The Moon is allies with Venus, as they both reside in fiery signs. Thursday encourages the extroverted-ness and flashiness of it all.
Give your morning routine a little extra time this morning and practice loud affirmations for yourself & others!
~ Friday ~ 9/22
The Moon journeys through the sign of Sagittarius, with a square to the Sun in Virgo being her last major aspect. The energy is high for most of the working day on Friday, reflecting stress tests, communications with many types of people, detailed meetings, and arguments over the next steps forward. The vibe changes however, when the Moon enters the sign of her exile at 1:21pm PDT. The Moon entering Capricorn spells a much more subdued tone for the day, making us all aware of how depleted our bodies may feel after an intense week.
If you live on the western seaboard, you'll notice that the Sun closely follows the Moon today as he departs from his mercurial solar season and officially begins fall with his ingress into the sign of Libra- otherwise known as the autumnal equinox. 11:52pm PDT is the official time of the ingress, though many feel it start on the 23rd of September.
The Sun is fallen in the sign of Libra, he loses glory in sign concerned with other people. Aries glorifies the Sun's divine nature, Aries gives him the resources to be individually grand and selfish in power. The sign of Libra (Venus' airy home) values balance between two things, fairness, equality, and compassion for others. Libra season is also when the Sun begins to lose light gradually as we descend into the deep winter season. Our collective thoughts are more concerned with the well being of others than our own personal motives. Lean into care this Libra season, but don't let others walk all over you! There is balance to be found between our personal agency and the ways we must water our community.
~ Saturday ~ 9/23
The Moon in Capricorn moves to trine Mercury in Virgo and Jupiter in Taurus. This lovely combination of all three planets offer us assistance in academic, financial, and travel matters. Valens says that a harmonious combination of these three bodies "make noble, propertied men, shrewd in business, collectors of gifts and sharers in trusts, religious men, intelligent, eloquent, guardians of property and deposits, making their careers amidst documents and accounts. They are lavish, tax-gatherers, stipend holders, with many friends, well-known, trustees, administrators of affairs, generous." (Valens, Anthology, Book I).
Despite the beauty that's in store for earth signs, Mars offers trouble (when does he not?!) when the Moon meets him in a harsh configuration. The Moon in Capricorn faces off with Mars in Libra, bringing strife between the young and old. Mars has the upper hand here since he is earlier in zodiacal order than the Moon, and because he is the exaltation ruler of the Moon. Watch out for verbal arguments dredging up the past, because the case made in the present day might just win!
Saturday may be marred a bit by the verbal accusations of it all, but it is wholly grounded and practical. Lean into the physical nature of things, and don't base your entire attitude over hearsay!
~ Sunday ~ 9/24
The Moon dances around in the sign of Capricorn for most of Sunday before entering Saturn's other home, Aquarius. The Moon enters Aquarius at 4:30pm PDT, shifting our processes from bottom-up to top-down. Aquarius is a sign that prefers to think of the outcome first and then the steps to get there, rather than Capricorn who requires a stable foundation to build upon.
The first and only major aspect of Sunday is the Moon trine the Sun (freshly) in Libra. The emphasis of air signs between the lights puts an intellectual spell over the world and has us all discussing many things at length. Its likely we're discussing the condition of new beginnings and the legacy of ideas/intellectualism.
Sunday has beautiful weather to speak loudly your intentions for the week ahead!